Thursday, March 12, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Here I was thinking of the best ways to pack up all the "winter" stuff to make way for spring and in comes the cold, rainy weather. BRR! I say this as I sit in my office wearing socks under my desk, warming my feet, in hopes that no one notices that I am not wearing my shoes....

In recent news, I am mostly over being sick! I have my voice pretty much all back, and am only dealing with congestion still for some reason. Inductions for our new Sigma Alpha members happened last Friday, so it sorta feels like I have gotten my life back a little. School is hectic, but spring break might just alleviate that. My boyfriend, Matt, has been apparently fighting "dragons" as he deals with the Hut (his other woman ;) ) and trying to look for a better situation in work. Also, my umbrella broke in the worst way yesterday afternoon and did the comical movie break where it completely flipped itself with the wind.
Just imagine me like this...

The worst news I have had this week is that everything I need to do costs so much more money than I had anticipated. Sam (my Ford Focus car), is needing a new timing belt and maybe extras which for some reason costs an arm with a leg. The dentist will cost my other arm to re-fill a cavity, and the optometrist will take out the other leg to up my prescription so that I won't get headaches anymore and can read small signs in the distance again. So now that I am out of appendages, I get into my car this morning and discover that it is leaking pretty bad during the rain. So I guess as the saying goes, when it rains, it pours! I am taking Sam into a new mechanic tomorrow for a free estimate, so please join me in praying that this only costs 1 arm instead of both arm and a leg. Oh and pray that I can afford everything else in the near future without extra stress and that another rain storm does not come in! Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, Ash we will be praying! Love you sweetie and stay warm!
